Green Buzz Growzyme 500 ml
Green Buzz Growzyme 500 ml is a liquid extract of brown seaweed from the marine plant Ascophyllum nodosum, harvested from the Atlantic Ocean on the North Coast and processed using a new, high-quality and gentle cold-pressing process. We look for the best quality seaweed – as it is particularly rich in amino acids, minerals, trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients not found in land plants.
Growzyme offers many advantages:
- applied as a foliar application, plants look much more vigorous the next day, and regularly applied plants look bushier
- Increases and stabilises chlorophyll in plants, resulting in dark green leaves and increased sugar levels
- increases the uptake of nutrients and minerals from the soil into the plant
- increases flowering and the size of flowers and fruits
Other benefits of Growzyme:
- improves seed germination and stimulates root development
- increases plant vigour, giving greater resistance to disease, insect attack, drought and frost
- many trace elements contained in seaweeds have important regulatory functions for plants
- extends the shelf-life of fruit by slowing down protein loss
- Growzyme can be used with every watering throughout the plant life cycle in all growing media as follows: from seed germination / for fresh cut cut cuttings:
- 5 ml per 1 litre of water
Water the seedlings once with our products HUMIC ACID PLUS, LIVING ORGANICS and MORE ROOTS, and spray the cuttings with the same dose.
As a spray solution throughout the vegetative phase until fruit set:
- 3 ml per 1 litre of water
- Ideally, Growzyme should also be sprayed twice a day with 5 ml/1 L HUMIC ACID PLUS, 2 ml/1 L MORE ROOTS and, if necessary, 1 ml/1 L ORGANIC MORE PK. Plants sprayed with Growzyme are able to absorb high-quality vitamins, ingredients and nutrients directly through the foliage, making them look much more vital the next day.
Through the subsequent growth and flowering phase:
- 2-5 ml per 1 litre of water
- Water the plants regularly with each Growzyme watering.
- The dosage table can be found next to the product picture
WARNING! Over-fertilisation can harm soil and plants! Store in closed and dark places at room temperature! Keep out of the reach of children!