Aptus Dislike 100ml
Aptus Dislike 100ml is an organic insecticide designed for the prevention and control of pests living on and near the plant, such as spider mites, aphids and thrips. Dislike contains a blend of 5 essential oils and natural emulsifiers. Each of these oils plays a role in preventing infestation.
Dislike is the only product on the market with such an effective formulation. Not only does it repel many insects, but the oil mixture also covers and smothers existing insects and their eggs.
- 100% organic composition
- Suitable as prevention
- Effective against most insects harmful to plants
Application and dosage:
- Always wear protective equipment – mask and goggles – during mixing and use.
- Always shake well before use
- Add 5 to 10 ml Dislike per 1. litre of water
- Spray plants every 7 days
- Spray on both sides of the leaves. Many pests stay on the underside of the leaves
- Soak young plants and cuttings in the solution, 2ml per 1. litre of water
- Always use when the lights in the grow room are switched off or outdoors in the evening when there is no direct sun. Droplets of the mixture on a plant exposed to light can cause scorching.
- Outdoor use: do not spray when beneficial insects (bees, bumblebees,…) are grazing!
Bottle contents sufficient to prepare 10-20L of mixture
WARNING! Over-fertilisation can harm soil and plants! Store in closed and dark places at room temperature! Keep out of the reach of children!