Atami Rootbastic 250 ml
Atami Rootbastic 250 ml is a high-quality fertiliser for rooting seedlings and young plants, which ensures explosive root growth. This means a larger root system and lots of small capillaries, allowing the plant to absorb nutrients more easily. The ultimate booster for your roots with a unique combination of stimulants.
- New on the market under Bloombastic
- Rootbastic also increases plant resistance, making it less susceptible to stress
- Highly concentrated
- 0,1 – 0,3 ml per 1 L of water
- NPK (5 – 18 – 5) (W/V)
- Nitrogen (total N) 4,59 %
- Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5) 17,74 %
- Potassium Oxide (K2O) 4,95 %
- Sodium Oxide (Na2O) 0,23 %
- Calcium Oxide 0,28 %
- Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 0,2 %
WARNING! Over-fertilisation can harm soil and plants! Store in closed and dark places at room temperature! Keep out of the reach of children!