Athena Fade 3,78 L
Athena Fade 3,78 L is a nitrogen-free finishing rinse that provides your plants with the necessary non-mobile nutrients (calcium and trace elements) to avoid starvation during the critical maturation phase.
Excess nitrogen is known to slow down flower maturation, so it is important to reduce or even remove nitrogen at the end of the flowering cycle to stimulate crop maturation and improve flower quality.
After extensive testing, we found that using Fade with Pro Bloom during the last three weeks of flowering increased total terpene production without increasing the risk of deficiency.
- Nitrogen-free growth completion enhancer
- Contains optimum levels of calcium and trace elements for finishing
- Same liquid dilution ratio as Pro Core (2 pounds per gallon of concentrate)
- Replace Pro Core during the last three weeks of flowering
Application Rate:
- Add 10-16 ml of Fade per 3.8 gallons of water during the last three weeks of flowering.
- Refer to feeding schedules for specific application recommendations.
- Shake well before use.
- Use clean measuring instruments – do not put anything in the bottle.
- Monitor the EC regularly and adjust accordingly according to the crop and growth stage.
- Adjust pH to the appropriate level after mixing all fertilisers and additives.
- Do not combine undiluted fertilisers.
- After mixing all fertilisers and additives, adjust the pH to the appropriate level.
- Store sealed in original packaging at 20-25°C
WARNING! Over-fertilization can be harmful to soil and plants! Store in closed and dark places at room temperature! Keep out of reach of children!