Calcium Magnesium 5 L
Calcium Magnesium 5 L is a highly bioavailable concentrated calcium and magnesium blend.
The correct availability of calcium and magnesium is essential to optimise nutrition in fast-growing plants. It helps prevent secondary nutrient deficiencies, supports growth and production, and prevents the flowering of tip rots and burns in many particularly intensive crops such as tomatoes and lettuce.
The addition of calcium magnesium provides concentrated calcium and magnesium in a highly bioavailable, pure and soluble form that does not retain droplets. It can be used in addition to most nutritional regimes.
How to use CalMag?
- Note: Do not use with soft water formulas, FloraCoco® or FloraNova®: they already contain enough calcium for whole R.O. water systems.
- 1.5 ml per litre of water for most applications, including organic production and high demand.
- With reverse osmosis, add 2 ml per litre of water before adding the nutrient solution.
- Once the plants are growing in coconut coir, use between 1 to 1.5 ml per litre until wet (saturated) and then add nutrients at the same rate to the solution for the first two weeks.
- Continuous use can be useful for fast-growing vintages.
WARNING: Shake before use! Store in a cool, dark place! Keep out of the reach of children!