Canna Cure 750 ml
Foliar nutrient Canna Cure 750 ml
It eliminates pests and moulds while stimulating growth and flowering. Moulds, scabies, lice, mites…! Of course, you want to protect your plants in the best possible way. Harsh pesticides and chemicals might get the job done, but they pollute the environment and poison flowers and fruit. But in general, more traditional disease and pest control simply don’t work well enough.
Canna cure is the product that has it all. Environmentally friendly, this product eliminates pests and moulds while stimulating growth and flowering.Canna Cure 750 ml forms an extra layer on the leaves of the plant. This layer improves the protection of the leaves against the weather as well as various insects. that attack the leaves of plants. This gives them the opportunity to focus on flowering. Also, pests will get stuck to the sticky layer, so they won’t have a chance to damage the leaves. In combination with other Canna nutrients and additives, Canna cure will help your plants resist possible future infestations and diseases. It is very important that Canna cure is applied on both sides of the leaf.
Instructions for use:
- Shake the packaging well before use
- Use Canna cure once a week as a preventative measure to make sure that plant pests do not attack the leaves
- If you have a severe infestation of mildew, scabies, mites or stink bugs, spray every three days and repeat. If necessary, after a further three days. Then spray weekly as usual
- Canna cure can be applied from the start of growth until harvesting, in addition to normal fertilisation
- It is very important that Canna cure is applied on both sides of the leaf
- Apply at least once a week until harvest
- It is applied with a fine spray to maximise the effect
- The mixture should not be prepared more than 10 days in advance
- Not to be used with items containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
- Canna cure should not be mixed with other fertilisers, should be diluted with water and should be used in combination with other nutrients.
- 300 ml per 1 L of water
- Nitrogen (N) w/w 1,914 % and Iron (Fe) (chelated) w/w 0,074 %
WARNING! Over-fertilisation can harm soil and plants! Store in closed and dark places at room temperature! If the fertiliser comes into contact with mucous membranes, rinse the eyes with plenty of water. Keep out of the reach of children!