Growth Technology Orchid Mist 750 ml is the perfect care for orchids! Ready to use, specially formulated to support and prolong flowering. Growth Technology Orchid Mist 750 ml is a revolutionary new way to provide orchids with all the necessary nutrients, both mineral and organic.
A unique system for applying a supply of nutrients and growth promoters to every part of the plant, probably the best way to fertilise orchids as it helps to mimic the conditions in their rainforest homeland.
Orchid Mist takes care of all your orchids’ needs. It is a Nutrient Solution, Growth Promoter, Pest Control, Plant Tonic. A unique and proven product that won’t let you down
- Spray 3 to 8 times per plant/ 1 time per week.
Origin:United Kingdom
WARNING! Over-fertilisation can harm soil and plants! Store in closed and dark places at room temperature! Keep out of the reach of children!